- July 20, 2022
Oblako hookah bowls: What distinguishes them?
A network of hookah shops from Volgograd is where the Oblako name first appeared. The firm started producing cups in 2016, and they rapidly became quite well-liked throughout Europe as well as in Russia.Due to their design, smoking properties, and cost, hookah cups Oblako bowls are considered premium.In Oblako, there are now three lines of hookah bowls, all of which differ greatly from one another. Flint bowls come in several sizes, hues, and shapes (Phunnel and Killer).
Oblako’s model range has a traditional bowl. The bowl is simple to remove and reinstall thanks to recessed areas on the leg. Additionally, the unique internal form of the bowl prevents mixes from overheating by increasing the surface area for heat exchange. To lessen the chance of compromising the traction, it includes more holes within. cosy, attractive, and unpretentious.18–23 grams of tobacco are consumed in Phunnel. 20–25 grams of tobacco are consumed in Classic.
Oblako Mono, a hookah bowl made of ceramic
In 2020, the new Oblako Mono hookah cup range will be unveiled. The fact that they are constructed of ceramic sets them apart from the earlier cups. They heat evenly, don’t expand and consequently don’t crack as clay cups do, so they don’t spill syrup. The cups come in a variety of vivid hues. The maker claims that the completely painted finish on these cups lasts for a very long time and does not fade. To keep the tobacco syrup from seeping into the cup, the inside recess is lined with a white glaze.
There are four distinct kinds of cups in the line: various-sized Phunnel cups carry 10–12, 18–23, 25–30, and 23–28 grams of tobacco, respectively. Killer cups hold 23–28 grams.
Oblako Hookah Bowl with Glaze Top – Hookah bowl with glaze
Oblako Glaze Top is a clay cup that has been coated in glaze. Since the syrup does not seep into the clay of the hookah cup, it looks quite good. One of the most well-liked Oblakas mugs is this one. However, it has been seen in reality that this cup rapidly fragments and starts to absorb the syrup, which has an impact on both the smoking experience and its aesthetics.
There are four distinct kinds of cups in the line: various-sized Phunnel cups carry 12–15, 18–23, 25–30, and 23–28 grams of tobacco, respectively. Killer cups hold 23–28 grams.
Unique characteristics of this model:
Boost the flavor’s intensity and strength, as opposed to medium-sized bowls with a milky burnt covering and a smoking glaze lasting roughly 45 minutes. Accommodates about 15-20 grams of tobacco while being protected from tobacco syrup ( depending on tobacco & pack)